Labour Candidate Sets Out his Stall at Bridgwater Carnival

Oliver in the High street

Labour candidate for Bridgwater and West Somerset, Oliver Thornton, has been meeting voters on the vibrant carnival streets of Bridgwater. Getting a positive response everywhere as he talked to the people he had this statement for Somerset Labour.

“The general election is upon us and I am incredibly honoured to represent the Labour Party for Bridgwater & West Somerset. 

Surviving 9 years of punishing Conservative cuts has taken a toll and voters are crying out for change. I believe this election will be won and lost on the question of trust. “

Oliver chats to voters on the streets of town

“Who will voters trust to fund our struggling NHS? The Conservative regime, exposed negotiating drug prices with Donald Trump’s America that would cost the NHS an extra £500m per week? Or the Labour Party that can proudly say it founded the NHS in the first place?

Who will voters trust to save our natural world? A Conservative & Lib Dem coalition that cut investment in renewables while subsiding fossil fuel giants like BP and Shell?

Or the Labour Party that has boldly embraced a Green Industrial Revolution?”

Oliver with Labour supporters and an inquisitive Little Frank

Once in a generation Opportunity

“Who will voters trust to reduce poverty and inequality? The privileged few who have stood by as the poorest among us live in fear of the Universal Credit machine and rely on food banks to eat? Or the Labour Party that founded the welfare state and brought in the minimum wage? 

We have a once in a generation opportunity to effect real change in our society. We can provide a hopeful future for our children. I urge you to register for your vote; and come the 12th of  December that you vote for change.”

Oliver taking up the ILG challenge (pic by Charlie Shearn)


Oliver will be launching his campaign officially on Friday 15th November with a public event for voters to meet and talk directly with him about the Labour message. He aims to take the positive Labour Manifesto committed to change to all parts of the constituency and meet as many voters as possible during this time. Bridgwater Labour Leader Cllr Brian Smedley said “Oliver  is a great asset to our party here. He’s friendly, approachable, talkative, bright and confident. He’s exactly who we need at this moment in time. He has thrown himself enthusiastically into all things Bridgwater, turning up at the launch of our town tourism brochure, offering a hand of friendship to other candidates he met, and even getting to try out the squibbing at the end of carnival where he suddenly found he had been given Ian Liddell–Graingers engraved cosh. An omen for passing on the batten if ever there was one.!”

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C Hurst
C Hurst
4 years ago

I would like to find out your opinions on a particular policy but can’t find an email address. Do you have one please?

Marilyn Kick
Marilyn Kick
4 years ago

Wishing you the greatest of luck, and will be keeping everything crossed on the 12th December.

philippa mckee
philippa mckee
4 years ago

Wishing you lots of lock don’t forget Minehead

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